A boy named Joseph found a stray dog at his mother?s workplace, people living in the area called the dog Bobby. Bobby was a quiet easy-going dog who seemed to get along with everyone but was owned by no one in particular.
Upon closer inspection of Bobby, Joseph found a hole in the dog?s head about the size of a quarter and, much to Joseph?s surprise, found worms (maggots) crawling from the hole. No one seemed to know how Bobby was injured or if anyone had treated him.
Thankfully, through the kindness of Joseph, Bobby is now in the hands of a veterinarian and is being treated for his wounds.
This video and story is a sad representation of the abuse, neglect and pet abandonment that is taking place in society every day. The number of unwanted pets at pet rescues, SPCA?s and pet shelters is astounding. With all of these unwanted animals sitting and waiting for death or adoption why would we want to buy a dog or cat from a pet store or even a breeder for that matter?
Don?t get me wrong, I support breeders (not puppy mills but registered and ethical breeders), I just can?t get my head around why anyone would not, at least initially, explore these other areas when wanting to buy a pet.
I think people look at the stereotype of the SPCA and the shelter?s Inas that place where mangy old dogs and cats go to wait out their last few weeks of life. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are beautiful purebred cats and dogs and pets of all kinds and ages available for a small fee at the SPCA?s.
Adopt a pet save a life, better yours.
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